
The story behind Near

Near Technology, Inc. is a Northwestern University-spinout startup providing personalized tech coaching to enable all individuals to use technology to stay connected with their loved ones, stress-free.

We start Near with our family in mind.

Once retired, our parents and others like them lose access to back-office IT support that used to be responsible for maintaining their digital upkeep. With nowhere to run, many rely on their younger family members for support, which often turns into frustrating conversations especially when they're geographically distanced from their loved ones. Consequently, many feel disempowered and fearful when using technology. We know there's got to be a better way.

Ferrona & Andrew, Co-Founders

Our mission

To provide the best end-to-end technology assistance for families to stay connected from distances near and far.

our vision

To provide the tools and skillsets for people so everyone can stay independent and productive as they age.

The Team Behind Near

Margaret McCall
Mark Munson
andrew mueller

Our Promise

Our people first approach

Our commitment to learning

Our friendly experience

Everyone learns differently. You might be left or right brain, or compare tech to cooking. We get it. That’s why we customize our learning techniques based on how you like to absorb info. That way, you'll learn faster while having fun doing it.
We want to give you the tools and empowerment to become your own tech support. And then teach your friends a thing or two.
All Near Neighbors live in the United States. The original founders met at Northwestern University, with the mission to provide friendly tech help that can be fun and focused on learning.